Category Archives: Conseils Blue Portance

N’attendez pas le Black Friday : Soulagez Vos Douleurs avec le Coussin Aporia

Le Black Friday est l’occasion parfaite pour s’offrir des produits de bien-être de haute qualité, [...]

Position assise prolongée : risques pour la santé et révolution ergonomique Aporia®

La position assise prolongée entraîne des troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) et augmente les risques de maladies [...]

Quelles aides financières en cas de pathologies chroniques ou de handicap ?

Cet article présente les différentes aides financières disponibles pour l’acquisition d’un coussin ergonomique ou d’un [...]

Why choose the brand APORIA for your back problems, pain, coccyx, and pelvic floor perineal ?

APORIA : A global solution to relieve your pain When you suffer from pain [...]

The shims adaptive products APORIA by Blue Lift : mobility and personal comfort

The cushions APORIA by Blue Lift are designed to provide optimal comfort and a [...]

Proprioception : our sixth sense

Understand at any time the position of body segments in space To better understand your [...]

Compensation mechanisms, pain and dynamic balance : management of the pain and the balance

Understanding the Mechanisms of Compensation When a part of the body suffers from a deficiency of functional or a [...]

How to make compatible the sitting position with the postural balance dynamic ?

Postural balance dynamics in a sitting position is essential to relieve back pain and [...]

Musculoskeletal disorders and pain in the sitting position on a chair

The standing position is a natural position of the body, resulting from the dynamic equilibrium between the [...]