Contact Blue Portance


    About the Brand APORIA

    APORIA is an innovative brand dedicated to the design of cushions and ergonomic seating designed specifically to relieve back pain, coccyx, to the perineum, and in the case of neuralgia pudendale. Developed by Blue Lift, the products APORIA are designed to provide comfort and long-lasting relief thanks to advanced technology.

    The products APORIA are ideal for anyone suffering from chronic pain or transient, as they are related to poor posture, to prolonged sitting positions, or to specific diseases such as neuralgia pudendale. They are suitable both for professionals and for individuals seeking comfort.

    Products, use and maintenance

    There are a very large number of offers of cushions dedicated to the pain of the coccyx, all designed to make a discharge pressure at the level of the painful area.


    We recommend to you to follow the following steps :


    1. Place the pillow ergonomic on a rigid support, preference, and on which, when APORIA is placed, your feet will be flat (important !) and your knees slightly lower than your pelvis (also important !).

    2. Decide to use a shim to the front or to the back of your cushion APORIA, or both. The use of spacers is described in the instructions for the use of the product.

    3. Test the position of shims on the cushion to find the one that best suits you and adjust the tilt of your seat that helps the most.

    4. Once the seat is properly positioned, install the well in the back of your cushion APORIA.

    5. Readjust, if necessary, the cushion is ergonomically shaped for comfort !

    6. Get back to the sitting position !


    When you unpack your cushion ergonomic APORIA, start by removing the two spacers that are pre-positioned.

    At this stage, it may be important to determine the positioning of its basin. Stand up and look for the posture in which you are most comfortable :

    • if the front of your pelvis is tilted forward, we recommend that you place the spacer provided in the front part of the seat ;

    • if it is switched to the rear, you are in a failover configuration back, and we recommend that you place the spacer provided in the rear part of the seat ;

    • if it is centered, you are in configuration neutral. You can test two solutions by putting a shim on the front and a slip at the back, or not set at all.

    You can download the instructions for the use of the cushion APORIA.

    It will also be sent with your order.

    Download the manual, foundations APORIA

    We would like to inform our users that the cushion Aporia is not approved for use in the car for security reasons. In the event of sudden braking or an accident, we cannot guarantee how the cushion reacts, being separated from the seat and not functioning as a car seat approved.
    However, we are aware that some users should be able to use the pillow Aporia in the car with success. This possibility depends strongly on the morphology of the user as well as the specific model of the car, including the ratio between the body of the user, the pedals, the steering wheel and the seat.
    We therefore recommend that our users exercise caution and consider these factors before using the cushion Aporia in the car. The safety of our customers is our priority, and we are encouraged to comply with the standards and regulations in force concerning the automotive equipment.

    For more information, you can contact us at 07 83 86 40 61.

    Cleaning your cushion is very fast.

    Regular maintenance : You can remove the small lint with a lint roller to garment and for small stains, rub with a microfiber moistened.

    For occasional care :

    1. Déhoussez your cushion APORIA

    2 Wash the cover in the washing machine with a cold wash (40°) and without spin.

    3. When the fabric is dry, reassemble your APORIA.

    The cushions APORIA are equipped with multi-articulated, which accompanies the movements of the body. They are designed to relieve areas inflammatory with a gap strategic, adjust the tilt according to your morphology, and improve your posture in a sitting position. For more information, you can refer to the page dedicated to our innovation.

    There are a very large number of offers of cushions dedicated to the pain of the coccyx, all designed to make a discharge pressure at the level of the painful area.


    They can be grouped according to 2 types :


    The cushions buoys :

    These cushions are unstable : difficulty in positioning of the tail bone in the hole. The pressure of the ring can exert a pressure on the top tailbone / lower sacrum, and cause the effect of a " noose ".


    The cushions compensated with cut-out back :

    These cushions allow for a better seating but take the bias of a failover front of the basin, which is only suitable for 40% of morphologies.




    They only treat the symptoms of pain in the tail bone (coccyx) reducing pressure, but subject to maintain a " good posture ".


    These are pillows static : indeed, it is up to the user to adapt to the sitting position. The mobility is reduced mainly to the bending of the bust, and thus the potential of adaptability is almost non-existent which makes these cushions can tackle the underlying causes of the pain.




    The cushion coccyx APORIA® is the only cushion ergonomic seat dynamic, designed to continuously adapt to the position of the user.

    It offers a wide range of "good posture" stabilized drawing a cone of adaptability. This unique property allows in contrast to sitting static potential of adaptability optimal, which allows you to reverse inflammation, release tension, and to relearn how to sit. For more information, you can refer to our page dedicated to products to relieve the pain in my tailbone.

    The pelvic floor is a crossroads nervous overlapping several territories :

    • sacred origin : pudendal nerve, nerve clunéal lower ;

    • original thoraco-lumbar : nerve ilio-inguinal, ilio-hypogastric, genito-femoral and obturator.


    It is understandable that it is the headquarters of many pathologies sources of pain, neurological or mixed as neuralgia pudendale or neuralgia clunéale syndrome, myofascial, some of the consequences of dysmenorrhoea, such as endometriosis, ... often occurring without warning signs.


    The different areas of innervation




    To provide a solution to these sources of pain, often exacerbated in a sitting position, due to the compression of the muscles forced into the basin and is highly innervated, we have been engaged in a process of development involving a dozen patients pilots framed by a specialist practitioner in the treatment of pain, perineal, Guillaume Solaz, osteopath in Thor.

    We have developed an ergonomically-shaped seat which is based on 2 principles :

    • the discharge pressure to the perineum to reduce the pain in the short term,

    • a device multiarticulé able to give a potential adaptability to the sitting position to reverse the downward spiral of inflammatory processes related to these pathologies to achieve a remission in the long term.


    In a sitting position, the pain associated with neuralgia pudendale intensify due to several factors that do not exist in a standing position. The weight of the upper body focuses on the pelvic structures, exerting a pressure on the soft tissues, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. This compression between the bearing surfaces and the bone structures increases the pressure on the pudendal nerve that radiates throughout this area, and the surrounding tissue, sometimes triggering an inflammatory response that aggravates the pain.

    The lack of support natural muscle, including the abdominal muscles and the back-end, in a sitting position, also contributes to this situation. In addition, imbalances, postural can amplify the phenomenon causing increased tensions and instability at the level of the sacroiliac joint (joint between the sacrum and the hip bone), affecting the position of the pudendal nerve rooted in the sacrum and increasing the pressure.


    Anatomy of the area perineal

    There are a very large number of offers of cushions, lumbar ergonomic, all intended to bring good posture favoring a natural curve of the back...


    They can be grouped according to 2 types :



    The cushions ergonomic static : these cushions ergonomically designed to evenly distribute body weight and reduce pressure on the lower back. They are distinguished :

    • the profile of the base : adapted to the ass, inclined plane to promote a failover front of the basin, bulging to promote a toggle to 360° (pillow ball or balance)

    • by material : inflatable, memory foam, gel, etc

    These cushions static can be qualified of positioning cushions, because it is up to the user to adapt to the sitting position. They offer all of the "correct posture" by the adoption of a single good posture right.

    They do not take into account the different types of alignment of the back, and the potential of adaptability is almost non-existent which makes these cushions can tackle the underlying causes of back pain.




    The seated ergonomic dynamic : this type of assisi, built on the basis of a rigid-hull curved, wife and maintains a pressure distribution is uniform on the buttocks, even when the user performs bending from side to side. It will return automatically to a straight posture.

    This type of seat has the advantage to adapt partially to the position of the user, but to bring it back to a posture privileged. Because of this, this seat is considered to be stable in this one position, which reduces the potential of adaptability to the smaller portion.




    Aporia is the only lumbar cushion ergonomic and dynamic designed around a structure multiarticulée to continuously adapt to the position of the user. It offers a wide range of "good posture" stabilized drawing a cone of adaptability.


    This unique property allows, in contrast to sitting static and seats dynamic rigid base curved, and a potential for adaptability optimal, which allows you to release tension joints and muscles, to restore the tone musculo-skeletal by a cladding, standing, to reverse inflammation, back pain, and relearn how to sit.

    Low back pain, pain in the lower back, is intensified in a sitting position

    for a number of reasons :



    In a sitting position, the weight of the upper body is supported by the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine. This constant pressure can lead to a compression of the intervertebral discs, and the support structures, causing lower back pain, especially if the disks are damaged or weakened.

    The pain occurs mainly because the weight of the body pushes down on the lumbar region and the sacrum, compressing them.



    Most people adopt a posture that is not ergonomic.

    This may include a bend too much or too little of the lumbar spine, a tilt of the pelvis, shoulders avachies, etc, This increases the tension of the musculoskeletal system and increases the pressure on the lumbar discs. The postures unbalanced accentuate the muscle tension asymmetric, aggravating the pain.



    Prolonged sitting can lead to muscle hypertrophy, a loss of flexibility and muscular strength in the lumbar region. Of weak muscles are less able to support the spine and prevent back pain.



    In prolonged sitting position, the blood flow to the muscles of the lumbar region can be blocked, which can lead to a buildup of muscle tension and a decrease in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to tissues. A cause of exacerbation of low back pain.



    The muscles of the back and trunk are less active in the sitting position compared to the standing position. The lack of muscle activity can lead to muscle contracture and spasm, which may contribute to back pain.



    If you have a condition such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, the sitting position can exert extra pressure on the nerve roots of the lumbar spine, causing pain radiating into the lower extremities.

    Témoignages et avis clients - Blue Portance Coussin Aporia

    Delivery, returns and refunds

    APORIA propose une livraison rapide sous 7 jours maximum. Nous nous engageons à vous livrer rapidement pour que vous puissiez commencer à soulager vos douleurs dès que possible. Vous n’avez rien à faire, nous nous occupons de tout !

    Livraison vous rapide en France métropolitaine et aux USA.

    For delivery abroad, please contact us directly.

    The customer is required to check the conformity of the delivered products at the time of delivery and in the event of a fault to be reported to us within 30 days of receipt.

    The return is free of charge for the metropolitan France.

    You have 30 days to test the product and to return it to us if you are not satisfied.

    All products must be returned intact, clean and complete (with all accessories) in the original packaging.

    You can choose between an exchange or a full refund.

    Please follow this procedure to return the product :

    1. Contact us

    2. Send us your ticket purchase / invoice in us stating the reason for the return and if you would like an exchange or refund.

    3. In the event of damage / product damaged, join us as we also photos.

    4. Wait for our return by mail.

    5. Remember to check your SPAM / junk mail.

    6. Print your packing slip that we sent to you.

    7. Pack your goods in the packing.

    8. Attach the return label on the package.

    9. Appointment to the post office to return your order.

    10. Once we have received your submission we will conduct an exchange or refund

    Support and customer service

    During the trial period of 30 days, we offer a support call custom. Our team is at your disposal to answer your questions and guide you in the use of your cushion APORIA, in order to ensure optimal comfort and effective relief of your pain.

    You can contact us via the form on our contact page, by telephone or by e-mail. Our customer service staff is available to assist you at any time and to answer all your questions.

    Additional information

    1. Relief of tension of the muscles, tendons and joints

    2. Liberation movements of the chest in a sitting position

    3. Total discharge pressure on the painful zones : neuralgia pudendale, pain, coccyx, lower back pain.

    The products APORIA are available exclusively on our shop online. You'll find our entire range, with detailed descriptions to help you choose the product that better suits your needs.

    Our team is here to help you ! You can use our escort service call or visit our product page to find the cushion that best meets your needs. We also offer guides and reviews to help you make the right choice.


    Blue Portance Coussin Aporia


    Discover each month our customers testimonials, medical experts, and tips to relieve your back pain, coccyx pain and pelvic-perineal pain.