Assise Aporia - Coussin orthopédique dos

The brand APORIA®

Aporia® est l’assise adaptative qui change radicalement la façon de vous asseoir. Conçue pour soulager les douleurs au coccyx, au périnée et au bas du dos, notre technologie brevetée vous offre un confort inégalé.

Grâce à sa structure multi-articulée, Aporia® favorise une posture saine et dynamique, soulageant les tensions musculaires et améliorant votre bien-être au quotidien.

Discover the brand APORIA®
Assise APORIA Blue Portance - Coussin postural debout

Douleurs lombaires

Douleurs au coccyx

Soulager le mal de dos APORIA

Douleurs au périnée

Our solutions

Discover APORIA® for optimum comfort and to relieve your pain in the coccyx, at the back and the perineum :

Mal de dos en voiture Blue Portance

Relieve back pain

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Coussin Douleurs pelvi-périnéales APORIA

Pain pelvic floor perineal

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Douleur coccyx APORIA

Pain in coccyx

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Assise Aporia - Coussin orthopédique dos

Accessories APORIA®

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Blue Portance promise

Our products offer ergonomic support that reduces tension and pain in the back. With APORIA®, you benefit from a solution of immediate relief and lasting for your pain. Say goodbye to persistent pain, and rediscover the pleasure to sit down without discomfort thanks to our foundation ergonomic and innovative.
Get your products APORIA® quickly everywhere in France and in the USA. We guarantee a delivery within 7 days, so that you can begin to relieve your pain as soon as possible. You have nothing to do, we take care of everything !
Enjoy a free 30-day trial to discover our products APORIA® serenity. During this period, our team is at your disposal to assist you and answer all your questions. Several telephone exchanges are provided to guide you in the use of our products, in order to ensure you the best comfort and effective relief of your pain.
If our products do not bring you satisfaction, we will refund you in full after the trial period of 30 days.
Coussin hémorroïdes - APORIA by BLUE PORTANCE

Seated ergonomic APORIA® to relieve your pain

Blue Portance, a French manufacturer of cushions ergonomic APORIA®revolutionizing comfort sitting with innovative solutions for relieve pain coccyx, the perineum and lower back.

Explore our patented products to find well-being and mobility.

Test our products

Videos of Aporia®


Part nurse, she shares her experience of suffering due to the coccygodynie, a disabling disorder she has to face the past 5 years.


Christelle, one of our first clients, sharing her journey in the face of the neuralgia pudendale and neuralgia clunéale, two painful conditions, which have made it the seat unbearable for her.

Discover all of our testimonials

stone ivadi

Physiotherapist. Experience shared by a specialized professional in back problems and pain spinal

Discover our testimonials


Coussin douleur coccyx - APORIA
Coussin pour coccyx douloureux
Blue Portance Coussin Aporia
Blue Portance Coussin Aporia Cales Adaptatives
Blue Portance Coussin Aporia


Discover each month our customers testimonials, medical experts, and tips to relieve your back pain, coccyx pain and pelvic-perineal pain.