Cushions APORIA by Blue Lift are designed to offer a comfortable fit and increased mobility thanks to their advanced technology. To meet the specific needs of each user, these cushions are equipped with wedges adaptive you can customize your seat according to your morphology.
Why use shims adaptive ?
The seat cushions ergonomic APORIA are equipped with shims on the front and the back that allows you to change the tilt of your pelvis to meet your specific needs.
According to the type of your poolthe use of wedges adaptive can transform your experience of assisi. Whether you prefer a more reclined position towards the front or towards the rear, or a neutral position, the cushions APORIA to fit your needs.

Hold the rear :
This wedge incline your pubic area to the rear, which switches naturally, your pelvis toward the front. This can be particularly beneficial for people suffering from coccyx pain or neuralgia pudendalebecause this position reduces pressure on the sensitive areas.

Hold the front :
By tilting the pubic bone to the front, this hold-rocking your pelvis backwards. This option is ideal for those who seek to relieve back pain by adopting a posture to be more stable and less burdensome for the spine.

Without hold :
For a neutral position without tilting the pelvis, the option without a shim helps maintain a natural posture, reducing strain on the pudendal nerve and the sacrum.
A comfort-fit for every need
The cushions APORIA are an ideal solution for prolonged use, whether in the office, the car, or at home. Thanks to their flexible design, they respond to the specific needs of each one, either for relieve the pain in the coccyx, the back pain, or to offer optimum support during long sessions, in a sitting position.
For those who are looking for a cushion ergonomic coccyx, a cushion postural standingor stool ergonomic office, cushions APORIA are the answer to your needs of comfort and well-being.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to get advice, personalized or for more information on how the cushions APORIA can you help relieve your pain daily.