The standing position is a natural position of the body, resulting from the dynamic balance between the top and bottom of the body. The basin plays a crucial role as an interface stabilization and adjustment permanent. Conversely, the sitting on a chair is not a natural position, since it blocks the necessary mobility of the basin. This stillness is the origin of many musculoskeletal disorders and the worsening of pain pelvic floor perineal and lumbar, including neuralgia pudendales, sciatica, cruralgies, as well as the irritation of the coccyx and the sacrum.
What is a natural position ?
The natural positions are those that Homo sapiens has adopted since he has learned the standing position. These are postures that help to regulate all the time, and so dynamically, the maintenance of postural balance. Among these natural positions, we find :
- The standing position
- The squatting position
- The kneeling position
- The sitting position on the ground
These positions promote the mobility lumbo-pelvicessential for a postural balance dynamic. This mobility allows the body to perform subtle adjustments and fast, which is crucial to prevent falls and maintain a stable posture and comfortable.
The standing position
In standing positionthe mobility lumbo-pelvic is optimal. The spine keeps its curls natural (lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, cervical lordosis). The pelvis can tilt slightly toward the front or the rear, allowing dynamic adjustments to maintain postural balance. The movements of micro-adjustments of the feet, ankles and knees also contribute to this balance.
Other natural positions
- Kneeling Position : Hips and knees bent to create an angulation in favour of the mobility lumbo-pelvicpromotes ergonomic posture.
- Squatting Position : This position requires bending the hips and knees, engaging more muscles of the trunk to maintain stability.
- Sitting on the ground : Well as the mobility of the lumbo-pelvic or less impeded, the basin can switch more naturally, helping to maintain the curvature of the vertebral natural.
These adjustments permanent maintain a muscular support, particularly at the level of the back and basin.
Sit on a chair : a position that is not natural
The gradual adoption of the sitting on a chair has accelerated with the increase in sedentary lifestyle, and, more recently, with telework. This change of posture, non-natural, results in significant consequences :
- Immobilization of the pelvis rotating and tilting.
- Relaxation of the muscles of the trunk, resulting in a loss of muscle tone.
- Increased pressure on the spine and the pelvic structures.
The back pain, the pain in the coccyx and the pain pelvic floor perineal (as the neuralgia pudendale) are common this prolonged posture.
Worsening pain in a sitting position

For neuralgia pudendale
In sitting positionthe weight of the body is concentrated on pelvic structures, increasing the pressure on the pudendal nerve. The reduction in support abdominal exacerbates this pressure, boosting of the imbalances, postural. The basin being forced in a vertical position, this reduces the space available for the passage of the pudendal nerve in the canal of Alcock, putting additional pressure.

For the coccygodynie
The coccyx, supporting the weight of the body in a sitting position, undergoes a direct pressure, aggravating the pain of existing. The postures asymmetric compensatory mechanisms, increasing tensions musculo-skeletal. L’hypermobility of the coccyx also exacerbating the pain by irritating the surrounding tissue.
Ergonomic Solutions to relieve the pain
To relieve back pain, the coccyx pain and neuralgia pudendalesthe use of ergonomic cushions and stools adapted is essential.
Cushions Ergonomic APORIA®
- Cushion Neuralgia Pudendale APORIA® : Reduces the pressure on the pudendal nerve and the canal of Alcock, offering a effective relief pain.
- Pelvic Cushion APORIA® : Decreases the pressure on the sensitive areas of the basin, promoting a dynamic stance.
- Cushion for Back pain : Lumbar support optimal, ideal for relieve back pain in the car or at the office.
Stools ergonomic APORIA®
- Stool ergonomic APORIA® : Promotes a dynamic stance and reduces the strain on the pudendal nerve.
- Back Stool : Designed to maintain a mobility lumbo-pelvic optimal, reducing muscle tension.
Adopt ergonomic solutions adapted to, such as cushions APORIA®, is essential to relieve the pain pelvipérinéales, the coccyx pain and the back pain. These solutions allow you to find a natural posture while reducing strain on the musculoskeletal related to prolonged sitting.